
Application Files

Specify which files should be deployed with your application.

You must enter an entry point executable file. This is the file that will be run after ClickOnce deploys your application.

Use File Inclusion Rules to create dynamic rules which control which files will be included each time you run a ClickOnceMore build.

Special Files

Entry Point (.exe)

This field supports macro replacement. See Macros for more details.

Specify the name of the main executable file of your application. This file will be run after ClickOnce deploys your application.

Icon File (.ico)

This field supports macro replacement. See Macros for more details.

Specify the name of the icon file for your application. This icon will be used on the Start Menu, in the Add or Remove Programs window and for the desktop shortcut (if one is created).

Config File (.config)

This field supports macro replacement. See Macros for more details.

Specify the name of the configuration file for your application.

The file specified here may also contain macro place-holders in the format "[macroname]". These macros will be replaced as the file is copied to the ClickOnce deployment directory. You can turn off macro replacement in the configuration file in Project Properties.

File Inclusion Rules

Use file inclusion rules to specify other files to be included in your deployment. File inclusion rules can be used to include one specific file, or a whole directory structure.

For example, you might create a single rule to include all of your application files by specifying a directory. If there are files in the directory you don't want included you can specify an exclusion pattern (E.g. *.pdb to avoid deploying debug information).

File inclusion rules are very powerful because they are evaluated each time a ClickOnceMore project is built (either from the project editor or the command line tool). So any new files matching your include rules will automatically be included in your new build. For example, if you have a rule including all *.dll files in a given directory then each time you build any new dlls that appear in that directory will automatically be included in the ClickOnce manifests.

Rule Name

Enter a name to help you identify the rule.

Select a single file to be included in the deployment

Use this option to select one specific file to be included in the deployment by this rule.


This field supports macro replacement. See Macros for more details.

Enter the name of the single file that you want to be included in the deployment.

Select a directory and use file patterns to include and exclude files

Use this option to specify a directory and some inclusion and/or exclusion rules to include multiple files in the deployment.


This field supports macro replacement. See Macros for more details.

Enter the name of the directory to scan for matching files.

Include Pattern

Enter a comma separated list of include patterns. Asterisk (*) is treated as a wild card. Any file in the specified directory (and sub directories if using the recursive option - see below) that matches one of these patterns will be included in the deployment.

Example include patterns: *.dll, *.config, *.xml, mynamespace.*.dll

Exclude Pattern

Enter a comma separated list of exclude patterns. Asterisk (*) is treated as a wild card. Any file in the specified directory (and sub directories if using the recursive option - see below) that matches one of these patterns will be excluded from the deployment.

If there is any ambiguity between include and exclude patterns, the exclude pattern takes precedence.


Check this box to include files from sub folders in the directory specified.

Installation Options

The installation options dictate how the files included by the current rule will be deployed to the users system.

ClickOnce does not allow you to specify which directory your application will be deployed to, but using ClickOnceMore you can control the directory structure below the default ClickOnce installation directory.

Install files under the main application directory

Select this option to install files under the default ClickOnce installation directory for your application.

Install file(s) under the special "Data Directory" folder used by Click Once applications

Select this option to install files under the ClickOnce data directory for your application.

Use ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory to access this directory from code. It is in the System.Deployment.Application namespace.

Install Directory

Specify any additional sub directories you want your files to be placed in. This is a sub-directory of either the main folder or the data folder depending on which option you selected above.

Download Group

Select a download group to add the included files to. Leave as < Required File > to add these files to the default download group that will be downloaded when ClickOnce deploys your application.

If you specify a group here the files will not be downloaded when ClickOnce deploys your application. They can be downloaded on demand using the ClickOnce APIs from within your application.

See here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ak58kz04.aspx for more information.

Maintain Folders

Check this box to maintain the directory structure of included files when including files from a directory recursively. ClickOnceMore will create the ClickOnce manifests so that an identical directory structure will be created on the users machine beneath the install directory you have chosen for this rule.

Not Assemblies

Check this box so that any file included by this rule will be treated as a simple file rather than an assembly. This tells ClickOnce not to check file manifests and other security features. It’s generally only useful if you have a third party assembly that contains a manifest. Assemblies containing manifests cannot be installed via ClickOnce as assemblies.

Automatically exclude duplicate assemblies

Check this box to stop one or more file inclusion rules from pulling in the same assembly or two or more identically named assemblies. Assemblies are compared by strong name, not location. Assemblies excluded by this check box will not appear in the "Files that will be installed" list.

Files that will be installed

This list shows you all files that will be included by your current set of inclusion rules. Add, Edit or Delete a rule to refresh the list.